Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Joe's Stonecrabs!

For Daddy's early Birthday present (his Birthday isn't till March 8th!) Kevin, Jenna and I went in on treating the entire family to Joe's stonecrabs in Miami when we were down there the weekend of our couples shower.  We had the most amazing meal of stonecrabs, hash browns, and spinach- and how can I forget- Key Lime Pie:)

We flew into Miami Friday morning and before we knew it, we were in route to meet Mom and Dad for a delectable lunch at Joe's stone crabs.  We ADORE stone crabs so it was a real treat to be able to eat them and celebrate Daddy's birthday! 

We definitely want to make this yearly tradition! We love you Daddy and wish you a fabulous 55th!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the family photo with the newest addition, Kevin! (as you can tell I'm way behind on reading your blog! So love reading your posts though:))
