Saturday, April 28, 2012

Happy Anniversary!

Kevin and I are off on our honeymoon- but wanted to send a special shout out to the people who made our dream wedding possible yesterday.  My parents wedding anniversary is today and it will mark 33 years of marriage for them! We love you for showing us how to build such a strong marriage and support each other throughout those 33 years.  We hope you enjoy your restful vacation after the wedding and know how much you mean to us, each and every day! We are so glad we can share the start of something wonderful just a day apart!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Happiest day of my Life!

Today marks the Happiest day of my life!

"Wedding day"

I get to marry my best friend- the man who I have dated for over 6 years.  We get to formalize our love and devotion to one another in front of all our friends and family today.  We are so lucky to have found each other!  Many thanks to all of you who have gone along for the ride with us! We love you!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Mani/Pedi Day

Today is wedding spa day.  Such a funny routine brides do, to become transformed for the big day. We have mani's, pedi's and glow tan's on the agenda throughout the day.  Hopefully it will be a relaxing time, free of any last minute wedding issues! I am looking forward to spending the day with my Momma and Sissy as we get beautified! 2 more days!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Chocolate Fix

This past Saturday I had the pleasure of learning how to hand make chocolates for our wedding hospitality boxes.  My boss at work, Lia, kindly volunteered to show me how to make chocolates for these boxes after I told her my idea a while ago.  She used to teach cake decorating and candy making at Michael's prior to having her sweet little 9 month old.  She uses this kind of stuff as an outlet and invited Jenna and me over to spend a few hours hand making chocolates for the wedding! 

The prep area
It was so much fun and was shockingly easier than one would expect.  We had ordered the chocolate melts last week, and she showed up how to melt chocolate in a double boiler.  It was super easy and we got to play with Antonio, her little guy during the entire process.  I had purchased molds and we started off with dark chocolate first, then moved onto coloring white chocolate with the colors of the wedding! We even got to flavor one of the chocolate colors.

We ended up making about 80 + bags of chocolates of varying colors.  They are so yummy tasting.  I sampled one- but that will be the last chocolate until the wedding day! What a fun, memorable project! Thank you to Jenna for helping and Lia for teaching!

One last snapshot of sweet Lia's son- Antonio playing with his Daddy's golf club!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Easter Weekend!

Catching up on a few posts prior to the wedding madness! It's crunch time around here! 

We had a lovely Easter weekend last weekend that will be remembered as the most "productive" one ever.  I had Mom and Dad visiting aka "helping" all weekend long while Kevin managed to work all day Saturday and spend time with the family on Sunday.  It was a very non-traditional Easter because of the wedding this year.  We had a great final floral meeting with the event designer on Friday afternoon.  We adore Chris Macksey from Bold American Events here in Atlanta.  What a nice guy! He is my wedding angel.  

Then on Saturday, we spent the entire day assembling the hospitality boxes for our guest's hotel rooms! It turned out to be quite an intense project.  I started the day on Saturday morning at 8:00am hearing my mother already up cutting ribbons for the various projects that we were to work on throughout the day.  She doesn't stop- and I am so grateful of that! I put together a quick little Easter lunch for the family consisting of Honeybaked Ham, Aunt Trudy's Potato Salad, and Deviled Eggs.  It was just the right mix to give us a little Easter during our non-traditional weekend! Needless to say, we had some very TIRED doggies on Saturday afternoon!
Chelsea- my sweet baby doggie helping with wedding projects!

Then on Sunday, we went to church and celebrated with brunch. The music was spectacular as well were the flowers.  We were all most impressed with the giant floral cross outside the church.  It was quite a site and particularly busy after each of the four services ended.  Mom and I decided that the best time to get married would have been Easter weekend, since the flowers are in pristine condition!
Kevin, Andra and Jenna after Easter Sunday Service