Friday, June 24, 2011

Our Whereabouts...

Kevin and I have not had one minute to catch our breath lately.  Last weekend was a lot of fun- so at least we are enjoying the time together even though every minute is programed to the max! Kevin admitted that he wasn't looking forward to our evening plan last Friday night.  We drove an hour and a half outside of Atlanta to Big Canoe to listen to a band that we were interested in for our wedding.  The band is famous for Sinatra-esque music.  Unfortunately for us, we were the only "young" Sinatra lovers in attendance last Friday as you can see from the photo below!

It was an outdoor music concert and you could bring a picnic and listen.  We got there extra early- just early enough to sit through the rain and wait for the concert to start around 7:30pm.

Kevin admitted after the night was over and we were safely back in Atlanta that it was really a lot of fun and he enjoyed our picnic and music- even if we were the only one's there under the age of 50!

Saturday morning we were on the road bright and early to head to Augusta for one of Kevin's collegiate friend's wedding and Father's Day.  Kevin's parents took us to lunch and then I did a quick change for the wedding and we were out the door for a 5pm wedding!  It was really neat to attend a wedding and experience all the details that the couple had put into making their special day come alive!  The reception was at a beautiful old southern mansion! 

We had a fun and relaxing Father's Day with Kevin's father and family-Always a treat to spend time together! Then we hit the road again to get back to Atlanta!  The weeks and weekends keep flying by!

This weekend my cousin and bride to be, Tiffany, is flying in to attend a shower that my sister and I are throwing for her at The Swan House.  We are doing a bachelorette party for her on Saturday night and she flies out on Sunday! I have been preparing all afternoon and Jenna and Tiffany should be here any minute! Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been a good stalker lately- just noticed this super cute picture of you and Kevin! You guys look fabulous all decked out for the wedding! Cannot wait to see you both soon, miss you guys!
